SINGER Sew Very Easy House Party!
I was so excited to be selected as a host for a House Party - a SINGER sewing party of all things. After I received the email telling me I was selected, I immediately started planning. House Party was sending a box full of goodies - 4 yards of fabric for the sewing project (a brush roll), project instructions, coupons to buy anything needed that wasn't included in the box, party favor items, and a few Martha Stewart decorations (I secretly squealed). The jist of the whole House Party thing is to introduce consumers to a new product - in this case, a SINGER Confidence Stylist sewing machine.

In order to prepare for the party, I attended a training for the sewing machine at the Viking Sewing Gallery, inside Jo-Ann Fabric on Forest Lane. Amy, the manager, called me to give me the date of the training and also let me know that if I was interested in purchasing the machine then I would get 20% off. This was a great deal especially beause the machine was also on sale! I didn't NEED a new machine but I had my old one for at least 10 years and it was a very basic model. So, I just kept that little nugget in the back of my mind. The machine was AWESOME! It was digital, had a needle threader, it was quiet, and IT HAD AN AUTOMATIC BUTTON HOLE SETTING. The SINGER Confidence Stylist had my name all over it! I was sold.
I scheduled my party for Saturday, May 7th and used evite to send out the invitation. Over 10 friends were on the list. I had great success in getting them to RSVP since there would be sangria, lots of finger foods and goodie bags! Of course they'd come!

Assembling the party favors
The day of the party:
I assembled the goodie bags. They included a coupon for the sewing machine, lots of coupons for Jo-Ann's, 3 spools of thread, 3 patterns, and some other information such as a little reference card for how to measure if your sewing clothing.

I made lots of food and named each dish after a sewing term. We had Singer Sparkler, Thimble Fizzler, Stitchin' Strawberry Bread, Confidence Pie, Sew Simple Breakfast Pockets, and Cute as a Button Cupcakes.
A few of the lovely sewers enjoying lite bites - Angela K., Nikki C., Trista P. of MommyUpgrade, Laura W., Becky G.
I had previously cut out and pressed all of the fabric needed to make the brush roll. So off we went! There were 8 party goers - some completely new to sewing, a few with some sewing experience, and one that was fairly familiar with sewing. My goal was to introduce and explain the machine. This involved describing the parts of the machine, advantages of this particular machine, and some techniques. We were having so much fun! We ran out of time and unfortunately not everyone got to finish their project. Luckily, most everyone had a machine at home so they could give their brush roll a few finishing touches.
Sarah H. - a first time sewer!

Sew excited to have had this party! It sparked some friends' interest in sewing. One friend purchased the SINGER Confidence Stylist, one purchased a different machine and 5 ladies dusted their machines off and got to sewing again. The party was a success! Thanks to all the wonderful ladies who came!