Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Little Road Trip

Adam dropped me and Violet off at Alicia's on his way to work in San Antonio last week. We had so much fun! The last time we saw Alicia was when baby Case was born in mid-July. Case is now 7 weeks old! Time flies! Alicia and I were in for a much needed shopping trip. We ventured out to eat lunch and made a stop at the outlet mall in Round Rock. The babies were so good! We were able to be out for about 4 hours. It was definitely an adventure with all of our stuff. Violet and Case were pretty much on the same eating and sleeping schedule so Alicia and I were able to get in some "adults only" time. No, we weren't drinking (although it wasn't a bad idea)! We were talking about make-up and shopping, great deals online, fun websites... blah, blah, blah. Who knew we would be so lucky to be blessed with kiddos the same year? It's going to be so fun to watch them grow-up together.

The kiddos fed and well-rested. Ready for shopping!


So we broke out the Bumbo this week! Violet has mixed feelings about it. Sometimes she likes it and sometimes she doesn't. It's funny because we have to put her in just right or else her chubby little legs won't fit. She really likes to watch Sesame Street in it. Can't believe she is 3 months old!

Just chillin'.

Everyone asks how Baxter feels about Violet. Here is photographic evidence that they are pretty uninterested in each other. Poor Baxter.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

12 Weeks

Violet is really starting to vocalize and become more interactive. She is checking out her surroundings and reacting with faces and sounds. I can't believe how with everyday there is something new.
Here she is during "tummy time." I love, love, love to hear her make these sounds.
She's adorable!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Just wanted to share the announcement I had made. I worked with a woman on Etsy. Check out her store:


Sunday, August 8, 2010

2 Month Check-up

Two weeks ago I took Violet to her 2 month check-up... alone. Unfortunately, Adam had to work that day. Neither of our appointments could be rescheduled. I went in knowing that it was going to be difficult because Vi was going to get her first set of 4 immunizations. I didn't think too much of it; I knew it had to be done. The shots were brutal. Mostly for me... she stopped screaming bloody murder in less than a minute. Then a wave of anxiety and confusion set over me. Adam had repeatedly talked about how he thought immunizations could cause autism. I had just brushed him off. I knew she had to have the shots for school and travel, etc. I left the doctor's office wondering if he was right. I frantically called him, crying and asking if we had done the right thing. He didn't know that he had freaked me out so much. He quickly assured me that everything he had told me had been debunked. He said it wasn't true and Violet would be fine. I was doing the right thing for our little girl. We have to continue with the immunizations at 4 months, 6 months and I'm sure into her toddler years. I am not looking forward to them and will always wonder.

I do always look forward to getting her "stats".
At birth: Weight: 8lbs 2oz, Length: 19 3/4in

2 weeks (6/10/10): Weight: 8lbs 9oz (50th percentile), Length: 20 1/2in (55th percentile), Head: 13 1/2in (10th percentile)

4 weeks (6/25/10): Weight: 9lbs 5oz (
50th percentile), Length: 21 1/2in (75th percentile), Head: 13 3/4in (5th percentile)

9 weeks (7/26/10): Weight: 10lbs 15oz (
50th percentile), Length: 23 1/4in (85th percentile), Head: 14 1/2in (5th percentile)

Newborn Photography

Before Violet was born, we tentatively scheduled a session with a newborn photographer. This guy was referred to use by my good friend Sarah. He had done the newborn photos of her twins, Emmaline and Owen, last year. He only photographs babies younger than 3 weeks AND he comes to your house! Here is the result of our sweet baby Violet's session at 2 weeks old:
