A Little Road Trip
Adam dropped me and Violet off at Alicia's on his way to work in San Antonio last week. We had so much fun! The last time we saw Alicia was when baby Case was born in mid-July. Case is now 7 weeks old! Time flies! Alicia and I were in for a much needed shopping trip. We ventured out to eat lunch and made a stop at the outlet mall in Round Rock. The babies were so good! We were able to be out for about 4 hours. It was definitely an adventure with all of our stuff. Violet and Case were pretty much on the same eating and sleeping schedule so Alicia and I were able to get in some "adults only" time. No, we weren't drinking (although it wasn't a bad idea)! We were talking about make-up and shopping, great deals online, fun websites... blah, blah, blah. Who knew we would be so lucky to be blessed with kiddos the same year? It's going to be so fun to watch them grow-up together.
So we broke out the Bumbo this week! Violet has mixed feelings about it. Sometimes she likes it and sometimes she doesn't. It's funny because we have to put her in just right or else her chubby little legs won't fit. She really likes to watch Sesame Street in it. Can't believe she is 3 months old!