This past week was very hard. We woke up early Monday morning to the horrible news that one of Adam's cousins had past away.
We dropped everything to be with Adam's aunt, uncle, cousin Ben and his girlfriend, Stacy. As soon as we walked in the door, Violet was surrounded. She was like a beam of light entering the room. Violet was smiling and cooing and she put a smile on everyone's face. They were all holding her and hugging her. It was amazing to see.
Lots of family and friends flew in from all over the country to show their love and support. It was wonderful to see everyone but an unfortunate and tragic event that brought us all together.

Shortly after Violet was born, we had a small party with family where Alex met Violet. He was so interested in her. He would make faces at her and touch her little feet. He was so curious about our little one.